October 16, 2013

The {W} Family | Omaha Family Photography

Getting a little personal here: when we first moved to Omaha, the thought of not having any family around was daunting. Like sit-in-my-room-with-a-bucket-of-ice-cream kind of sadness! Daily phone calls back home weren't the same as being surrounded by people who care. So when our neighbors moved in a few months later, I jumped on the chance to make them my friends!

Now nearly 7 years later, this dear family became more than just our friends. We've seen each other during our hardest and lowest times. I've seen their teenagers grow from young funny boys to mini adults with jobs and girlfriends! We've laughed and cried and laughed some more. And I stand back amazed at the strength of this mama raising her 4 handsome boys.


You are a woman of courage doing an amazing job! Your boys know you love them, and they love you right back! Your house must be chaos with all the wrestling and boy-stuff (coming from someone who knows what living with 4 older brothers is like!), but you make it look so easy! Thanks for hanging out with me for an evening!


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