May 30, 2012

Big baby {M} | Omaha newborn photographer

Rolls and dimples, dimples and rolls! Mama L didn't find out the gender until baby Matthew was born, and being a boy wasn't the only surprise! This kid was 10 lbs 2 oz, and from what she tells me, he eats all. the. time!  So it was no surprise that at 9 days old, he had the cutest little arm chub! I couldn't get over the dimples though ~ not only on his cheeks, but look at his chin! After these two beautiful girls, all this blue has been such a change for this family!

A-CHOO! Caught him mid-sneeze!

May 28, 2012

Happy Memorial Day | The {L} Family | Omaha Family Photographer

As a military wife, my heart and mind are thinking about many soldiers and their families, especially today being Memorial's Day. I keep thinking back to those long days and lonely evenings during my husband's deployment(s), sitting by the phone waiting for his next sporadic call. So I was beyond excited {and humbled} when Lindsay contacted me to take her family pictures. You see, her husband deploys really soon and she wanted to get some pictures while her baby is still a baby and before he goes. This is truly a beautiful family...thank you Lindsay & Craig!

I love the way he's looking up at his hero...

May 22, 2012

5 days new ~ Omaha newborn photographer

Baby Clara was perfect, all 10 lbs 4 oz of her! This petite little mom told me her birth story in between feedings and cuddlings of this sweet babe. I'm in awe of how vibrant Amber looked after delivering a near-csection baby!  But everything turned out okay and Clara is one loved little sister! I love the tender moments that this family naturally has with one another.


May 21, 2012

{Amric} the graduate ~ Omaha senior photographer

Amric is the baby of the family, an awesome family! And now he is graduating high school this week. I doubt you'd be surprised if I tell ya he's a fearless rugby player with a big heart.


May 4, 2012

The {M} Family | Omaha Nebraska Family Photographer

It was a very windy day for photos, but like Shannon said - THAT'S Nebraska for ya! Luckily the rain didn't come until after the photo shoot was over. It was way too easy to capture memories for this family - just look at their smiles! {Well, except for little Ellie who was looking at me like I was a crazy lady!}

Hi Charlie!

Those boys and their dad...

You can really tell that this mama loves her little family. And they're definitely lucky to have her as their mom!